Saturday, December 8, 2007


During thanksgiving break i was reading through a few Details magazines and looking at all the gragrance ads. I was thinking what sets any of these ads apart. They all position themselves as fragrances that will make you sexy. The only part of the ads that made me the little bit interested was the sampling. Just becuse Tom fords new fragrance has a bottle inbetween a ladies legs covering her "lady areas" does not make any one more attractive, it actually has a horrid smell. So i finally decided that "light blue" By D&G had the most pleasant smell. The ad itself was'nt appealing to me, even being a gay man, but i still feel like i am going to purchase the fragrance.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Nick Matson said...

i think that sampling is necessary for fragrances to promote well. The ads need to compliment the scent. If the advertisement is boring and the fragrance is good then they didn't do a good job with creating the ad. As long as the product that they are selling is appealing and smells good or whatever then it will work and sell like they want it to.

Nick Matson said...

...and i agree that Light Blue by Dolce and Gabbana smells good!