Monday, September 24, 2007

It's myspace, Right?

When your filling in your "about me" section on your Myspace letting your cyberspace comrades know that you love Birtney Spears and have a Abercrombie and Fitch background you are no longer just informing your friends your music interest and personal style. You are now target for a tailored advertisements . Myspace is now sending information that is listed on your profile to companies and letting them directly market to people who are interested in a certain product or category of consumer products. Instead of mass marketing the same artist to every person that logs into Myspace, a person whom list Hip Hop or rap under their music interest will be bombarded with ads for Kayne West's Newest album. Myspace had done this earlier but on a smaller scale. I know fromm being a Myspace user and listing my orientation as gay, when i log off of my profile there is a advertisement preceding my logging off. Not only has Myspace taken this specific marketing one step further with tailored ads, but Myspace is also trying to use mobile web as a new outlet. They are trying to develop technology that understands where a mobile phone user, whom is logged onto Myspace, is located and market products and places that are in the vicinity of the user. Tom was our first friend in the myspace community, but he is starting to show that his intentions weren't as benevolent as they seemed.

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