Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Falling into trouble

Even thought the GAP is on its second year of running and suppoting Bono's RED campaign, that fights AIDS in Africa, the company has run into some ethical problems. It has been found that one of the productiong facilities that is contracted to the GAP has been using Slave-like child labor. Children in these factories are as young as ten and sold by their parents. They are forced to work up to 16 hour days and are paid nothing. Along with long hours the children are in distubing living and working areas. GAP does not personally own these production facilities and as soon as they became aware of this monsterious working ocnditions withdrew any products from these facilities off their shelves and stopped production with these facilities. With it being close to the holidays i believe this will negatively affect the GAP's imae among consumers, which is already low. Hopefully they can gain somoe ground and build their image by continuely pushing and supporting the RED campaign.

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