Monday, October 22, 2007

Now THAT'S Advertising.

In contrast to the assignment on an advertisement we hated, I wanted to share an advertisment that I love. A few weeks ago in class we watched a youtube video on the process of projecting an ad campaign, the one that had the series of humorous clips of ad agency employees trying to pitch ideas. The first clip in that video was the beginnings of this commercial I'm talking about.
A friend of mine showed me this commercial when I went to visit her at the Savannah College of Art and Design about three years ago and I instantly fell in love with it.

I just find this commercial to be absolutely beautiful in such a subtle, simple way. Sony took a product as basic as a television and thought completely outside of the box on how to market it. This commercial makes a connection with the viewer, luring them in with vibrant colors and picturesque images that stick in the consumer's mind. The song fits perfectly, and I love that the ad is a full 2:30 long. What better way to advertise a television that's supposed to bring you "colour like no other" than with an avalanche of rainbow bouncy balls flooding the streets on San Francisco? It's innovative, original, and absolutely brilliant.

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