Monday, December 3, 2007

American Apparel: Brilliant Simplicity

So I was surfing around on YouTube a few weeks ago, searching for a tv advertisement that grabbed my attention enough for me to blog about it. Instead, as I clicked on various video clips, beside them, in the white margins of the page, I was encountered with ads for other companies, the most appealing of which was for American Apparel. So I promptly clicked on it and began an online shopping spree, completely distracting myself from my original task at hand.

American Apparel is a company specializing in men's and women's apparel aimed primarily at college-aged people and young adults, so choosing to buy ad space on a website like YouTube was a smart decision for them, seeing as it's most popular amongst this age group.

American Apparel's ad campaign could be described as raw, simplistic, bold, and sexually-charged. I personally find their ads to be brilliant. Without ever really saying much at all in text form, American Apparel ads consistently portray the image their brand is all about. Anyone who is familiar with the brand can instantly recognize an American Apparel ad when they see one. Their signature look of bold, basic garments hugging the bodies of hipster boys and girls standing against a white backdrop is one that has become synonimous with quirky trendy fashion and the American Apparel look.

I think many of its loyal customers also appreciate the brand's use of not always drop-dead gorgeous models with perfect bodies, but rather real-life models with flaws, untamed hair, and unconventional styles. American Apparel also will often use employees of the company in their advertisements.


KennedyKaye said...

I love American Apparels ads. I think that although they're extremely simple, that they definitely get the point across. They showcase the clothes, and isn't that what the point of a clothing advertisement is supposed to do. I feel like there are too many ads that barely even show the product that they're trying to sell. Also, I just love the rawness and simplicity of the ads, which helps to lend itself to the brands identity.

Ciera & Savannah said...

I think this is a great point, i agree with you that their consumers will appricate how they don't use the "perfect" models and i love how there ads are always great and simple.